Our Beliefs

Our Beliefs

We are a member of the Singapore Baptist Convention and subscribe to her Statement of Faith (p.14-22, Baptist Guidebook, 2013). A full copy of this Statement is available by clicking the highlighted (Statement of Faith) above.

Baptists have always been known as a “people of the book” and “a people on the go” and QBC continues in that rich spiritual heritage.

“People of the book” means that when we are faced with challenges, defining doctrines, or seeking guidance for one’s personal life or church corporate life, we will first ask “what does the bible teach?” We believe that the bible alone is supreme source of authority for the faith and practice of the church.

“People on the go” means that we are committed to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. Matthew 28:18-20 says that the church should go and make disciples of all nations. “Making disciples” involves proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ, baptizing, and teaching people to obey all that Jesus has taught.

At QBC, even as we are committed God’s word to the God’s Commission, we believe that the Great Commandment must energize us. Jesus told us “to love the Lord our God with all our heart, our mind, our strength; and to love our neighbors as ourselves”. Accordingly, we keep on emphasizing that we are a people of who is greatly loved by God daily, and we are learning to respond in love because “He first loved us”. At QBC, we aim to fall in love with Jesus Christ deeper and deeper each day and in the process become more and more like him.

Worship Timings

English Onsite Service will be held in church on every Saturday @ 7-8.15pm & Sunday @ 10-11.15am in Agape Sanctuary (L3)

Join us on QBC Online Services! (http://qbc.org.sg/streaming) on Sundays @10am for English Service.


Upcoming Events

11.30am-12.30pm @ Agape Sanctuary (L3)

Saturday Service - 7 pm Sunday Service - 10 am

Let's Jiak! - CNY Hosting Outreach 2025

8pm @ Hall of Hope (L3)

12.30-2.30pm @ QBC


- A Spirit-filled and fervently praying church family
- Raising generations of disciples and servant leaders
- Impacting our community and beyond for Christ


  • 495, Margaret Drive,
    Singapore 149305
  • +65-64718065 (English Congregation)
  • +65-64718061 (Chinese Congregation)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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